
General Information

Full Name Luke Eyles
LinkedIn luke-eyles


  • 2017-2022
    Bachelor of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
    University of Technology Sydney
    • GPA: 6.56/7.00, High Distinction average.
    • Dean's List 2022, 2020, 2017


  • Mar 2023 -
    Graduate Acoustic Engineer
    Octave Acoustics
    • Applying Australian and international standards in performing field measurements and acoustic analysis.
    • Modelling environmental acoustics with CadnaA and performing acoustics calculations using Strutt with Excel.
    • Preparing acoustic reports for clients and advising design changes to ensure regulatory requirements are fulfilled.
  • Nov 2021 -
    Jul 2022
    Technology Consulting Intern
    Isle Utilities
    • Performed comprehensive technology scans on areas including water conservation, leakage management, and waste to energy
    • Created communication materials for clients including reports, emails, videos, and presentations.
    • Drafted trial proposals for collaborative trials of technologies.
  • Aug 2019 -
    Feb 2020
    Engineering Intern in Research and Development Department
    Jenkins Engineering Defence Systems
  • Mar 2018 -
    Jun 2018
    Assistant Lab Tutor for Introduction to Electrical Engineering
    University of Technology Sydney
    • Explained electrical concepts and components.
    • Debugged students' circuits and walked through how to fix the error.


  • Programming languages/tools: MATLAB, C++, Embedded C, Python, ROS, Bash, Git, VSCode.
  • Hardware: Audio and Acoustic Analyser, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, FPGA, Oscilloscope, 3D Printer.
  • Software: CadnaA, NTi Software, Microsoft Excel, SolidWorks, Blender, AutoCAD, Intel Quartus Prime.


  • 2021-2022
    Exoskeleton Arm Control Software - Capstone
    • Redesigned and programmed control software for the JEXO exoskeleton arm at UTS Robotics Institute, using C++ with ROS.
    • Implemented a seamless and extensible controller switching system, enabling testing different control schemes or switching to remote control without restarting.
    • Created extensive documentation to reduce onboarding time to the project, improving the functionality of JEXO as a research platform.
    • Integrated a Gazebo simulation to enable offline testing of control schemes.
  • DEC 2022
    Spotify Playlist Generator - Personal Project
    • Programmed a Python script to pull popular posts from a music forum and create a Spotify playlist of the featured songs.
    • Used Regex to analyse post titles for artist and song name.
    • Interfaced with the Spotify API to search for each song and add it to the playlist, using fuzzy matching to account for mistakes or differences between the forum and Spotify listing.
    • Improved performance by creating a database of previously matched songs using pandas.
  • SPR 2021
    Underwater Robot Localisation - Mechanical and Mechatronic Design
    • Researched and designed a unique localisation method for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) as part of a team in collaboration with Thales.
    • Calculated mean and worst-case localisation error for the method using MATLAB, and proposed an iterative solution to overcome large error values.
    • Documented the solution in a detailed report, and developed a simulation in C++ with ROS as a proof of concept to demonstrate the method in action.
  • AUT 2021
    Tic-Tac-Toe Bot - Robotics
    • Led team to program a DOBOT Magician robot arm to play tic-tac-toe with a person, controlled using MATLAB with the ROS Toolbox.
    • Utilised the Image Processing Toolbox in MATLAB to analyse the Tic-Tac-Toe board and determine the game state.
    • Developed a model of the DOBOT arm using Peter Corke's Robotics Toolbox and programmed an analytical inverse kinematics function for the unique structure of the DOBOT arm.
    • Implemented a GUI in App Designer to interface with the robot and provide user feedback.
  • AUT 2021
    Cereal Finding Robot - Sensors and Control for Mechatronic Systems
    • Led team to program a TurtleBot to recognise markers, determine their position and orientation and drive towards them, using MATLAB with the ROS Toolbox.
    • Exercised leadership by dividing the project between team members and developing a specification for each part, which ensured clear responsibilities and resulted in the project achieving a distinction overall.
  • SPR 2020
    Aircraft Interceptor - Programming for Mechatronic Systems
    • Programmed a simulated aircraft in C++ to intercept enemy aircraft by predicting their trajectory.
  • AUT 2020
    Arduino Security System - Mechatronics 2
    • Built an Arduino security system using a distance sensor mounted on a motor, capable of mapping a room and detecting intruders.
  • AUT 2019
    Warman Challenge 2019 - Mechanical Design 1
    • Designed and built a robot to attempt the 2019 Warman Design and Build Challenge as part of a team.